Welcome to Hot Topics Trauma

Dear colleague,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is a pleasure to invite you to participate in the V Hot Topics Trauma Advanced Symposium which will take place the 25th and 26th January 2024, planned for orthopedic surgeons and residents interested in the treatment of complex fractures.

In the last 20 years there has been a revolution in the surgical treatment of fractures. New designs of plates, nails and external fixators as well as digital planning, 3D printed custom implants, implant infection prevention technologies, minimally invasive surgical techniques and high energy injuries are good examples. On the other hand, the incidence of osteoporotic fractures has grown exponentially, which has led to the creation of specialized units for the multidisciplinary approach to old patient fractures.

For the current traumatologist, there is a clear need for continuous training, both in terms of indications and precise knowledge of surgical techniques. We have designed a Symposium focusing on the most controversial aspects of the current traumatology, in order to explore in depth some of the Hottest Topics in our specialty, combining theoretical contents with video technical sessions and hands on.

We are working hard to be able to offer you an innovative program, which will serve as an Update on the scientific and technical advances related to our specialty, with a panel of national and international experts, as well as the latest technology.

We look forward to counting on all of you in this fifth edition.

Soon we will inform you in more detail


Pedro Caba Doussoux
Alina Ortega Briones
Jordi Salvador Carreño